Dictionary 字典
Contains authoritative and resourceful Chinese to English & English
to Chinese bilingual dictionary and more than 10 other Chinese
learning key reference resources.
Translate 翻译
Via text scan or voice input. High translation accuracy.
Study 学习
包括新加坡小学华文 / 高级华文《欢乐伙伴》识读与识写字词、汉语水平考试词汇,及其他学习资源。
To study and enhance vocabulary and language skill from various
sources, such as vocabulary lists from Singapore Primary School
Chinese textbook Huanle Huoban, as well as popular international
Chinese including YCT, HSK.
Test 测评
To test your spelling and speaking abilities, you can choose from
different vocabulary lists syllabus or use your own favourite words.
Powerful 功能强大
WIFI联网、蓝牙连接、语音识别、AI 人工智能;方便易用,功能强大的学习与工作好伙伴。
With Wifi and Bluetooth connectivity, extensive dictionaries, voice
recognition, and AI intelligence, a powerful companion for learning
and working.